There are a great many wine lovers, but if you want to become a professional, you will need a few important accessories to enjoy it as it should be enjoyed. Like everything, it depends on the time and money you want to invest in this delicious hobby, but we want to give you a list of accessories that you should have in your house. Ready?

⦁ Corkscrew. To enjoy any wine, you of course have to open it, and the best way to do this is with a corkscrew, so you always need to have one to hand. There are certainly some more basic methods, but this is the simplest, and there are various types of corkscrews to choose from: two stage, levered, electronic…
⦁ Decanter or aerator. There are certain types of wine that need to “breath” before being drunk, especially if they are older wines. A decanter allows the aroma and the body of the wine to improve, whilst an aerator will do the same job but in a shorter time as it is fixed to the bottle itself.
⦁ Drip ring. I’m sure you know how easy it is to end up with a bottle marking your clothes or the table cloth, and you’ll also know how difficult it is to get those marks out. To avoid that whole situation, you can buy a drip ring, which will absorb those drops of wine that could ruin your tasting session.
⦁ Glasses. As obvious as it might seem, glasses are crucial, but not just as recipients. A good glass will help you wine to oxygenate and will allow the consumer to see and smell the liquid. As well as that, by holding a glass by the stem, you will avoid heating up the wine.
⦁ Corks. It is obviously best to finish a bottle once it has been opened, but that’s not always possible, especially if you live alone or as a couple. If this is the case for you, then corks are the best thing to use.
⦁ Wine bucket or cooler. The easiest way to cool your white wine or fizz is to put it in a bucket with ice and water, although there is another much more convenient option, which is to use a bottle cooler.
⦁ Wine store. This accessory, also known as a wine fridge, is the thing that requires the biggest investment, but it’s worth it. With a wine store in your house, you can keep wine at the exact temperature and humidity levels that it needs.

So now you have everything you need to enjoy that liquid you love so much, hooray for wine!